Watlington News and Events.
For all new events and whats on see latest Gossip online
The village hall now has a new website. To book contact. www.watlingtonvillagehallnorfolk.com. See Village Hall page.
This page will have the latest what's on in events. If you would be so kind to help us keep it up to date. email [email protected] for website and for Gossip to [email protected] or contacts in the Gossip.
Nature Watch !!
The Gossip have started a nature watch page, to publish any nature news in the parish - such as birds or other animals seen, any interesting flowers or other nature events. If you are interested in being a local recorder, why not send an email to [email protected]. We already have 3 people showing interest, so please do get in touch if you want to help.
I am sure you all want to preserve wild life but the habitat is decreasing. To help preserve wild spaces sign a petition to the government, https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/254607
The Parish Council Office & Community Information Point (CIP)
On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.00am to 2.30pm the Parish Clerk will be in the office.
The Community Information Point is now back on line and is available from 11am to 1pm.
Photocopying and laminating services are also available.
The Parish Council Office telephone number is 01553 810777 (there is an answering machine)
Urgent matters should still be notified to the Clerk on 01366 502165 or 07941 105697.
If you want to report a problem with the roads, potholes, road marking or lighting etc you can contact Highways direct at Norfolk County Council.>>>>-----HERE
This is available to anyone. Please use it.
Monthly "Rainbow Cafe" - YOUR Community Cafe open to Men, Women and Children of all ages. Freshly baked produce - Coffee, Cake and Chat with Friends
Normally on one Friday of each month, Except August, in Watlington Village Main Hall 9.30am – 12noon a coffee morning to meet with friends.
Browse the Bookstalls and sometimes more.
For 2024 dates see Women's Institute page