Your Voice - A Neighbourhood Plan for Watlington
In 2020 the Parish Council gave the go-ahead for a Neighbourhood Plan for Watlington to be developed. A steering group consisting of village residents volunteered to develop the plan.
A Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led plan which is focused on the needs of the neighbourhood and allows the community to specify what they expect from development. Basically, it is about the use and development of land, and provides the village community with the opportunity to decide where growth in the village does and does not occur. Once complete the plan sits alongside the Borough’s Council’s Local Plan and carries the same weight in the decision-making process. Even while it is still being created it may be a material consideration in any planning decisions.
The plan can't promote less development than that formally identified in the Local Plan (which is currently under review) but it can set out the community’s vision for the area and include overall aims for future development. The plan can be wide-ranging, or just deal with one or two issues, for example identifying and designating local green space. Plans usually take about two years to complete.
Following the Referendom on the Neighbourhood Plan for Watlington. the Borough Council decided on 13 December to adopt the Watlington Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2036 as approved.
For Further information contact the Borough Council 's Planning Policy Team on 01553 616200 or email:
[email protected]