We meet once a month, on the Second Tuesday at Watlington Village Hall. Each month we have a different speaker or practical activity, ranging from the domestic to the absurd.
Meetings start at 7.00pm, but you are welcome to arrive from 6.30pm to sign in, find a seat and chat. We usually start with the speaker or activity followed by a chat over a tea or coffee and refreshments and then catch up on the WI business. We aim to finish around 9.30pm. Perfect!
If you fancy coming along as a visitor, you are more than welcome. Why not let us know that you plan to come along, by sending us an email ([email protected]) or phone Emma on(01553 811521) and we can add you to the visitors list for the night. We ask visitors to give us a small donation of £4.00 which covers the activity & refreshments. What a bargain!
Programme 2025 - Note new start time is 7pm
14 January - Blended Monkey -A woodturning demo with chance to have a go
Competition: Small Wooden Item
11 February - Watatunga - a firm favourite revisiting to update us on the animals and conservation efforts
Competition: A wildlife photograph
11 March - Saturday Night Telly - A look back at telly that has inspirsesd and
entertained us over the years
Competition: An item from the 80's
8 April - Friends of Horsey Seals - A wonderful chance to hear about the Seals of Horsey
Competition: A beach item
13 May - Tulipmania - in the 17th century tulips became a coveted item and worth a fortune.
Hear how it came about and the inevitable market crash.
Competition: A minature posey or favourite bloom
10 June - Birthday Celebrations
8 July - Fenland Meeting - We welcome other WI's in our Fenland Group to hear about
the life of a local Auctioneer - Marcus Hawkins
Bring along a treasured item for an informal valuation
August - No meeting
9 September - Double Murder Mysteries - Guilty or Not Guilty? you decide.
Listen to the facts of the case and make your decision!
Competition: Favourite Crime Novel
14 October - 5 O'clock Tea with Betsy - A memorable evening with Elizabeth Fry
Competition: Tea Cup and Saucer
11 November - AGM and Social Evening. A chance to injoy getting to know and
catch up with everyone.
Competition: Favourite Board/Card Game
9 December - Christmas Traditions - Learn how other countries and cultures
celebrate Christmas
Competition: A decorated Yule Log
Norfolk WI Federation Annual Meeting
Tuesday 13 March 2025 - Theatre Royal, Norwich
National WI Annual Meeting
Thursday 4 June 2025 - Venue TBC
Fenland Group Meetings and other Federation Group Meetings
to be notified in monthly newsletter
WI Federation Events - Check ticket availability with Emma
Craft Group meetings 9.30am 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Jubilee Hall
Craft Group/Workshops: Next planned meeting - TBC
Book Club - 1st Tuesday afternoon of the month
Other planned activities/trips
Keep an eye on your newsletter for more info